Thursday, May 21, 2020

Personal Essay Getting The Call - 848 Words

Getting the Call June 26th, 2013 my phone rings, it is my father calling, I can tell by the sound of his voice that what he has to say is not positive, I know it is related to his health. He begins to cry, now I am crying, he says â€Å"Honey, I have cancer†. My sight is blurry, I can not see through my tears, my nose is running. I am trying to breathe but my chest is tight, I am breathing, it is labored and fast, my head is spinning. My heart is beating fast, too fast. My legs are heavy, I feel as though I might vomit. I can hear my dad on the other end sobbing, I have never heard my dad cry like this before. I do not know what to say, there is a long pause, silence, as we both cry. I try to speak but nothing comes out, then I manage to say†¦show more content†¦I terribly want to be with my family, I feel an overwhelming sense of aloneness. I cry myself to sleep. The Day My Dad Dies September 8, 2013 I spend the day at Whitehorse General Hospital, knowing that in a few short hours I will have to say goodbye to my dad, possibly for the last time. The doctor keeps telling us he is close to dying, it is clear to see. He cannot speak, open his eyes or eat, he lays there near lifeless. His body is withering away. I sit with him and talk to him, hoping that he can hear me. I want him to squeeze my hand and let me know he can hear me. I cannot stop crying. I have no desire to eat, food doesn’t taste good. I am anxious knowing I have to leave, my body is tired from many late nights, little sleep and four days of crying. I have to say goodbye to my dad, I scan the room, it smells of sanitizer and sweat. I hold my dads hand, I kiss him on his forehead, his body is motionless, it feels clammy and cold. His eyes are closed and sunken into his face, his lips parted as he breathes softly, inaudibly. I barely recognize him. I touch his face, it still holds life, even th ough he is not present I can still feel his love. My tears cloud my vision as I move in closer and put my forehead to his. I whisper â€Å"I love you dad, and I will never forget you. If you are ready to go you have my permission. I do not want to see you suffer any longer†. I lay there like this for a few minutes, my tears falling onto his face. IShow MoreRelatedHow to Write a Reading Response Essay1453 Words   |  6 PagesHow to Write a Reading Response Essay   What is a Reading Response Essay? A Reading Response essay: * Summarizes what you read. * Gives your reaction to the text. 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