Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Child Is An Alcoholic At The Age Of 15 And Knowing

Learning that your child is an alcoholic at the age of 15 and knowing she doubts her existence is probably not what you want to hear about your daughter. Lana Del Rey began as a bright young girl who loved acting in community plays. She then started crumbling under pressure by life, turning her into a different person. Years later, she attended Fordham University and studied metaphysics, the study and principles of things that deal with identity, time, and space. The reason she decided to study science is to â€Å"find a gap between God and science.† From this moment, the young Lana faded into what would become one of many controversial artists today. Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, known as Lana Del Rey, is an artist who writes about self-destructive thoughts and her heartbroken world. She has been viewed as an amateur in the music world, but still continues her life as Lana; an empowered woman singing about her troublesome life. Despite criticism, she has inspired people to be themselves regardless of what others throw at you and that you don t have to always fit in. Becoming an alcoholic is one of the things that takes a toll on you. Whats even better is that she reinvented herself into a new person. She never had the easy life. She once said,â€Å" I haven’t had nothing done at all. Anyone who’s known me will tell you that. Im sorry, but I was living in a trailer park for a few years. I didn’t even have enough money to buy Cocoa Puffs†. Lana, like many others, were discoveredShow MoreRelatedUnderage Drinking And The Central Nervous System1446 Words   |  6 Pages81% of students had had at least one alcoholic drink in their lives (13 Piehl).† Wow, that is scary. Imagine, 81 percent of students; that is to many people. What is alcohol anyway? 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